Sunday, September 13, 2009

What the summer will do for you...

My little girl is growing so fast, too fast if I have anything to say about it.

Yes, I spent the summer with her day in and night too... but where did the little girl go and the toddler come from.

Here's what happened over our summer...

She crawled, she sat up, she ate tons of purees and then solids. We played, and learned to crawl all over the house. Even up the stairs, and off the bed.

She got 7 teeth. Yes, 7 in 2 months. The last three all coming in the first week and a half of school.

Then on the 27th of August, she walked! 9 and 1/2 months a good month before I did. No not like across the room, but two steps from me to the jumperoo, as if to say... haha mom showed you!

This week, she is standing and walking at least 4 steps on her own. (Note: I am now nailing everything down, cause she likes to grab off tables)

She grew from 25 inches at 6 months to 28.5 inches at 9 months. I think that's off by a half inch or so, but man oh man... that explains it all.

I am so blessed that I was there to see every one of those first, first hand, not after ( or at least my hubby led me to believe she had never done it - which is a blessing too).

I love, LOVE being a mom. Not ready to share it to the point of planning another, but I can't get enough of this first year... and the change and the growth and how nothing... I mean NOTHING is as important as making our family the center focus.