Thursday, August 6, 2009


I just want to put out here in blog land that there is an important person missing in the chaotic life of the beginning of a new year... I don't know how often she gets a chance to stop by. See she changed places, and titles... she's busy because really people don't make keys on Sundays. :) I know she misses the "old" ways but I want her to know how great she will be at the "new" ways. She is missed by everyone, but man I miss being able to walk into her room and un-load, and commiserate. She probably doesn't know how much she helped me be the teacher I am... and for that I'm grateful beyond words. So Mrs. "Cardinal" (names changed to protect the innocent :) ) just know you make a difference, and you are AMAZING!

PS... to all the Gators near and far... we miss you!

Here & Now...

Okay who cannot love this stinking adorable face. Man I could just eat her up. It drives me crazy!

The summer is swiftly moving on its way, and sadly school is beginning. It was wonderful spending the time at home with her. She changed so much but it was so amazing to be able to see her do it.

Some things she did were... crawl, sit up, learn to stand, start to cruise, stand unassisted, pull up on everything, and gain... count them, 5 teeth. 2 on the top and 3 on the bottom. She loves to read books (and shhh... (check for Nonna) chew on them a bit). She loves carebears, blocks, pounding and rubbing things on the tile. Duke is her number one buddy!

PS... despite fabulous behavior out... we have some serious 'tude at home.