Friday, May 29, 2009

Super 6 Months in Photo

Goodness I love this kid~ :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

6 months and counting

It's amazing how one small little thing can change every little bit in your life. I wake up each day to her beautiful smile and silly laugh, much to do with my hair I assume, but a laugh just the same. She giggles and hides as her dad comes in from work, and she has even picked up the crying when he leaves. The day is filled with changing diapers, keeping her happy, which doesn't take much, feeding her and just revolving around her. We spend more time wondering what she'll wear, what she'll eat, what she'll need next. The "we" is really her, I think. :)

I thank God everyday that she is happy and healthy, and it breaks my heart for the parents who are not as lucky, or take the beauty of their children for granted.

You really begin to see your purpose in life and eternity in your children's eyes. The things that were once important are small compared to them. Everything in life becomes them, and family.

Here's to hoping for many more mornings, evenings, afternoons, and times inbetween here and eternity.

An Elusive Search

You would think that at this time of the economy's craziness finding a car would not be that difficult. They share on the news the wealth of the cars they have to sell. They fill lots all over the valley, and just plain take up space. I even heard if they sold all those vehicles at cost, we would have enough money to balance the state budget this year.

Surprisingly, we are looking for a car.

You don't believe it when you hear as your pregnant, but kids bring on stuff. Lots of stuff. Outrageous amounts of stuff. On top of that most of their stuff is not as small as them. I think there should be a rule, that your stuff may not out size you, but I don't think I would win that one either.

So as our daughter got ready to turn the half year point, we decided that more kids would only bring more stuff, and that meant no one would fit in the car, let alone just us.

We have looked for nearly a month. True that the people we have looking aren't doing a fabulous job. With all that inventory, you think that they would want to move it, and therefore would be apt to actually provide some assistance in getting it to a willing, and eager buyer, but we still don't have a new car.

We even began the pursuit this last week on our own, since I know that we can do it better. We even went to dealerships at noon, the hottest time of the day, and therefore hopefully a quick pick to sell, but the dealerships didn't even have a good clue of what they wanted to sell or how much they wanted to sell for.

We will keep looking since we don't need the car right away, nor do we have more kids on the way, but at this rate both those things may come before we find the vehicle.

Friday, May 22, 2009

and it begins...

Really do I have anyone who will read this?

Well, maybe a few, but if nothing else I can share with those who are near or far the happenings of a young family, the general chaos of a normal day, and the thoughts that run through my head.

and of course, there's always photos.